Friday, March 20, 2015

Thanks for following! What would you like to see more of?

Hello everyone. I'd like to thank you all for following my painting blog. I've always considered this space more of a "journal portfolio" of sorts; a way of recording images of my newest miniatures, with color recipes thrown in here and there. I haven't been terribly regular with posting over the past couple years, but I'd like to start making better habits with it.

I looked on the side bar the other day and noticed there are 50 people subscribed. I'm thrilled that so many people take interest in my work and I would like to thank each of you. I'm sure there are many more who are not subscribed but still check the blog regularly, and I would like to thank you all as well.

My question for everyone today is: What would you like to see more of? Would you like more color recipes? Work in progress photos? Snapshots of my painting work space? Step-by-step tutorials?

I would love to get some feedback on what you all like and dislike, areas in which I can improve, offer more content, and most of all inspire you to create something.

Thanks again! I look forward to the responses.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ogryns, High Elves, and a few others

Things have been busy! Here are a few of the figures to recently cross my paint desk. I'll list a few of the color recipes along the way...


Skin: Basecoat Cadian Fleshtone, shade with a mixture of Reikland Flesh Shade and a little bit of Cadian Fleshtone (This makes it lighter and slightly opaque). Highlight Cadian Fleshtone and layer up to Elf Flesh, followed by Elf Flesh mixed with white. Water, Flesh Shade and a little bit of Scab Red were mixed together to glaze over the scars. 

Red gun: Basecoat Scab Red. Shade with Nuln Oil. Highlight Scab Red. Highlight the edges by adding in progressive amounts of Elf Flesh. 

Armor: Basecoat Catachan Green. Shade with Agrax Earthshade. Highlight Catachan Green, highlight by adding in successive amounts of Zandri Dust. 


Bronze armor: Basecoat VGC Brass. Shade with a mixture of Agrax Earthshade and Scorched Brown. Highlight VGC Bright Bronze. Highlight with a mixture of Bronze and Mithril Silver. Glaze over the armor with a mixture of water and Chestnut Ink. 

Blue/Green Cape: Basecoat Scaly Green. Shade with Nuln Oil. Highlight by adding progressive amounts of white into the Scaly Green basecoat. 

Yellow on the shield: Basecoat with several thin layers of white. Get a good, even coat. Coat the areas with thinned Sunburst Yellow. Shade with Golden Yellow followed by a mixture of golden yellow and Fiery Orange. Highlight the edges with Bad Moon Yellow mixed with White. 

Feathers: Basecoat with VGC Stonewall Grey. Shade with a mixture of Stonewall Grey and Earthshade (It will be a lighter, slightly opaque color). Highlight with Stonewall Grey mixed with white, followed by white on its own. Paint the tips of the feathers black. Highlight with Eshin Grey, followed by Mech. Standard Grey. 

Stone on the base: Basecoat Mech. Standard Grey. Shade with Agrax Earthshade. Highlight (drybrush) Mech. Standard Grey. Highlight Dawnstone. Highlight with a mixture of Dawnstone and Screaming Skull. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Four Forge World Greater Daemons

This Slaanesh Greater Daemon is the last of the four Forge World greater daemons, which I have painted over the past few years for the same person. I finished the Slaanesh daemon in November (Show's how much catch-up work I have to do on this blog). I'll include some images of the other three at the end as well.

Sadly my final photos of the Bloodthirster were lost, so all I have are some Work in Progress shots, taken shortly before it was finished:

The Lord of Change is my favorite of the four. We went with a really bright, different color scheme. 

And last up is the Great Unclean One. 

All in all this group of figures was over three years in the making. I'll have to see if I can get a picture of all four of them together.